Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Looming Narco-State in Afghanistan

D.B Grady - The Atlantic: 15 Jan 2014

Testifying before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, offered a grim assessment of the war-torn country—and revealed startling details about America’s hapless reconstruction efforts there.

Also explains how the poppy industry has actually grown since 2002. It sure is perpetuating the argument that it's just another Vietnam war. If you criminalise and declare war on drugs, they will become more what's Americas need for creating a poppy industry boom OS? It's a pretty simple notion. Declare war on a country that produces most of the worlds opium. Blame terrorists, nukes and scary Arab bad men. Invade the country on these false claims. Redistribute the wealth from the profit of drugs amongst yourself and all your mates and leave a country raped and ruined. Extend the initiative for over 10 years for constant supply, with maximised profit, brought to you from the increased prices of the war on drugs. Furthermore, you have laws that support the growing of Poppy's and extremely cheap labour. I
've heard of a super power who tried to attempt something like this before, but why is it not acceptable when attempted by a nazi regime, but a 'free' and 'democratic' country couldn't attempt something so brutal. Surely?

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