Monday, March 3, 2014

The Real Manus Story...please stand up

American owned private security firm G4S are the biggest and the baddest. They are contracted to take care of the dirty work within our prisons. We have them to thank for Mr Ward's death, abuse, misconduct and major compliance issues within our prison systems.
Being a private enterprise, they are not held accountable, or even scrutinised to the same extent of public employees. From this, they are able to operate outside of our laws and policies and perhaps why they are contracted in the first place. The company breeds a culture of mistreatment, from the training of it's employees, the abuse of in-mates is encouraged. The royal commission has made recommendations for G4S not to be contracted to prisons, though these recommendations have been overlooked. This time on Manus island.
Evidence from a G4S employee explains that locals we're let into the detention centre to attack asylum seekers, with the assistance of G4S employees. A Royal Comission into this incident would explain that the current asylum policy is not appropriate and should be changed. The problem we face is that major government policy such as this isn't going to experience any radical changes. Offshore processing and some form of 'turn back the boats' policy will prevail. The suggested changes won't be made, and this encompasses the need for change of private security or abolishing private companies altogether...Not to mention the kick backs to government officials and politicians who ultimately prolong the culture of corruption provided by G4S. 
Paying off officials provides the company with extra freedoms to act outside of the law with little or no consequences. The politicians dirty work can be done and human rights policies can be overlooked because they operate outside of the government and it's procedures. The outcomes of being a private company are far different from that of a public organisation and thus can carry out abuses that government employees cannot.

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