Thursday, March 6, 2014

March in March

March for a vote of no confidence in the Abbott government.
Sydney - Sunday March 15 at Belmore Park. 

Lissa Little: January 17, 2014
No matter how it happened or who is to blame, the sad reality is that we as a nation have been inflicted with a self-serving excuse for a government. The country has completely unravelled under the Abbott Government and until now, we’ve felt utterly powerless against his will.
Based on their belief in unchallengeable power, Abbott led his campaign with lies and scare-tactics. Now that they hold the reins, they have broken promises and systematically torn apart long-standing and successful policies as quickly as they possibly could. This frenzied attack on our own country has done nothing to benefit anyone other than the rich – those who need assistance least of all.
Standing against human rights, they’ve instructed our Naval forces to turn back the desperate and down-trodden with force, they’ve denied marriage equality and they’ve cut the already minimal benefits to the needy in every possible sector.
Determined to allow big-business to profit at any environmental cost, they’ve cut the ‘green tape’ by removing heritage listings to allow dredging and logging of our most precious and previously protected environmental resources.
They’ve denied clear science by being stubborn climate sceptics with what will be devastating consequences, reversed pre-election promises to fight whaling practices and, by being ignorant to their responsibilities, have destroyed international relations with Indonesia.
…and this is just SOME of what has been done since September 2013

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