Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Truth, Justice and Healing Council

How can the Catholic Church's response to the Royal Commission- the Truth, Justice and Healing Council attempt to reconcile with victims, who are victimised by the very organisation that abused them? These people are offering a service which encourages those abused by the Catholic Church to come forward, as the organisation offers support for victims.

After surviving such abuse and continuing oppression by the Catholic Church, how can they expect their victims to still trust this abusive organisation? It's like finding out that the governments new policy is to behead everyone your age bracket, and you still vote for them! 

I'm not too sure, but is this council redundant and a cop out, along with being introduced way too late...like plastic surgery late. Every time a person gets something new done, it actually makes them look more horrid, until it becomes too late and they need plastic surgery to fix the plastic surgery. 

Why is it only now that this type of organisation has come about, and what separates these people from the institutionalised sexual abuse case which is the Catholic Church when they are still heavily involved in the institution?

Related Article: The Truth Will Heal: The Catholic Church and the Royal Commission. Francis Sullivan - ABC
Related Website: http://www.tjhcouncil.org.au/

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