Sunday, April 8, 2012

From Shore boy to river menace: Why an Australian Crashed the Oxbridge Classic Julie Robotham - 09/04/12

AFTER Trenton Oldfield bobbed up seal-like in a wetsuit and halted the 158-year-old annual boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities, the Australian's anti-elitist manifestos rose to the surface just behind him.
Mr Oldfield, 35, a year 10 dropout from the prominent Sydney boys' private school Shore, left a trail of rich-bashing blog posts and evidence of a 10-year career since his arrival in London as activist, project manager and student - all focused on poverty, social inequality and decay in inner cities. A graduate of the London School of Economics, he lists among his preoccupations ''the socio-political history of fences/railings - including when they shifted from keeping things in to keeping things out''.
On a website titled elitismleadstotyranny, a post under his name - apparently prepared before his swim - points out that Chiswick, where he entered the Thames, is ''where Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the government, lives with his family, despite his constituents living hundreds of miles away in post-industrial Sheffield''.

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