Thursday, March 8, 2012

WikiLeaks Expose: Corporate Giants Caught Spying 05/03/12 - Ash Pemberton

The release of secret emails from private intelligence company Stratfor by WikiLeaks has opened the door on the world of spying-for-profit.
More than 5 million emails between Stratfor employees were stolen by hacker group Anonymous in December last year. The emails were passed on to WikiLeaks, which began releasing them on February 27.
The emails show the inner workings of Stratfor and its connections with the US government and big corporations. Stratfor is revealed to have a group of paid informants in the US government, embassies, media organisations and intelligence networks who provide it with information.
The release also highlights the “revolving door” between government agencies and private security firms. Stratfor's vice-president of intelligence, Fred Burton, is a former official with the US state department, who regularly exploits his links to the US and Israeli governments.

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