Wednesday, January 11, 2012

South Carolina Primary Holds 'Bloody Mess' For Mitt Romney After Big New Hampshire Win

Huffington Post: 10/01/12

After a solid win in the Granite State, and signs that attacks on his business career may be backfiring, Mitt Romney should be on top of the world. Yet he is still a candidate at something of a crossroads.
After receiving roughly 39 percent of the vote here -– a percentage point more than Sen. John McCain's 2008 primary victory -- the former Massachusetts governor has now won Iowa and New Hampshire, a feat only accomplished by incumbent presidents Gerald Ford in 1976 and Ronald Reagan in 1984.
His ability to win the Republican nomination looks more sure than ever. But his New Hampshire victory followed a tough few days that have raised fresh questions about Romney's ability to win a general election against President Barack Obama -- the fundamental cause that he has staked his candidacy on.
Romney gave a victory speech Tuesday night to a packed and exultant room at Southern New Hampshire University, where supporters danced, yelled and punctuated his speech with chants of, "Mitt! Mitt! Mitt!"
"The president has run out of ideas. Now he's running out of excuses," Romney said, focusing his fire, as always, on Obama. And he looked ahead to the next contest. "Tonight we're asking the good people of South Carolina to join the citizens of New Hampshire and make 2012 the year he runs out of time."

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